Come Alive Ministry Partner

CAMP Heart Crop

Our mission is to preach The Gospel of Jesus Christ unto Salvation and Equip the Saints! This ministry is reaching the lost and saints, in our community, state, nation and the world! Our outreach in the prison system consists of five prisons at this time, with more opportunities coming! Our Radio Broadcast is reaching over 170 confirmed countries through Word Of Faith Radio internet radio! Our Life Christian University-Harrisburg is training up men and women to fulfill their purpose in the Kingdom!

Salvation! Salvation! Salvation! Discipleship! Discipleship! Discipleship!

Please consider becoming a partner with us, it is easy to do;

  • Pray and hear from God that you are to be a partner with us
    Commit to pray for this ministry
    Fill out the online form for partnership
    That’s it!

By becoming a partner you will be added to our partner prayer list and be prayed for daily and you will receive  quarterly Come Alive Today Newsletter that will inform you on the ministry activities, including praise reports; salvation, healing and others.

We look forward to you becoming a partner!

Click Here to become a Partner!

Please seek GOD for HIS leading to financially sow seed in this ministry. We pray over every offering received and believe GOD with you for an UNLIMITED Harvest!

Click Here to Sow a Financial Seed!